Disclosure of information

The obligation to disclose material facts follows from the obligation to disclose information in the form of the issuer's quarterly report. Since March 14, 2016, all public joint-stock companies are also required to disclose quarterly reports and material facts (Regulation "On Disclosure of Information by Issuers of Equity Securities" dated 03/27/2020 No. 714-P).

28.05.2024 The voting bulletin Download
28.05.2024 Announcement of the 2024 AGM Download
08.05.2024 A message about a material fact. Download
08.05.2024 A message about a material fact. Download
27.04.2024 A message about a material fact. Download
25.04.2024 A message about a material fact. Download
23.04.2024 A message about a material fact. Download
15.04.2024 A message about a material fact. Download
12.04.2024 A message about a material fact. Download
11.04.2024 A message about a material fact. Download


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